With technological advancement we have seen a lot of progress in every aspect. As we
progress, we witness huge dependency on technology because it has formed an
integral part of our lives. The electronic devices that we use have made life
so convenient that a day without one’s mobile phone cannot be imagined. There
was a time when there were no phones but after phones were introduced to
the globalised world, it started occupying a special place in our lives.
Applications that can be installed in the phones further made our lives much
more convenient but with this progress one needs to be alert and careful about
the rise in the fraud and cheating that takes place very rampantly through
these online mediums. There is an increase in the number of frauds that are
occurring and many have been affected through it. Thus, we need to be prudent
before we share any information that is confidential. We also need to be careful before downloading any
applications or browsing through any sites.
With changing times and trends there is also a quick change in the technology. The pace at which everything is getting digitalized is something that cannot be imagined. Within no time there are new developments that take place in the digitalized arena. At the same time, one also needs to be careful about the increase in the cybercrimes that is witnessed in the society.
Various crimes that were not thought of in the past have made way through the fast progress of technology. Crimes such as cyber stalking, cyber breach of privacy etc. are crimes that are serious in nature and need to be tackled well. There are also different kinds of online frauds that have increased drastically. Thus, the laws need to catch pace with the changing times and trends in the society so that crimes that are related to technology can be tackled in an appropriate manner.