Intellectual Property is also known as I.P in short. In simple words intellectual property means the creation of human mind. It could be any design, logo, invention etc. which would be creation of human mind. Thus, anything that the human mind creates and which can be protected from being either used or misused by others is known as intellectual property.
Protecting creation of human mind motivates creativity and also leads to overall growth and development in the society. The creator of the work is rewarded in the form of protection of the work for the hard-work and the investment of time, energy and money. The law also provides various exceptions when it comes to protecting that which the human mind creates. Something that is not original, novel or inventive cannot be protected as creation of human mind.
The law protecting intellectual property is known as Intellectual Property Law. This law provides the owner right to use the intellectual property and at the same time prevent others from using it without the owner’s permission.