The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island
country. United Kingdom is made up of Northern Ireland and Great Britain which
consists of England, Wales and Scotland. The capital of the country is London
and the dialing code is +44. The Republic of Ireland is a sovereign,
independent and democratic State. The capital of this country is Dublin and the
country dialing code is +353. This sovereign state shares its only land border
with Northern Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has a
constitutional monarchy with Parliamentary Government. The system of government
in Britain has developed over many centuries and the British empire has been
the world-famous empire. Today, United Kingdom has elections where people
choose their government.
Once upon a time there were Kings and Queens who ruled with absolute
power and authority by taking advice from a council of religious leaders and
nobles but today, we find that the British monarchy is a Constitutional
monarchy. The monarch undertakes the constitutional duties which are set as per
law while the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected
Parliament. Constitutional monarchy is the system of government where the power and
authority of the monarch is limited or restricted by laws.